Feeling good

Wow you know when you have a really long day that you're dreading but it manages to go really well somehow? Well that day was today for me. I woke up early, went to the PT clinic, got to do some new things like go to the gym with some clients and show them some exercises. It's fun cuz it makes me feel like a real athletic trainer instead of a just a student. I'm amaze at how PT's have more freedom and leeway than ATC's. I saw the ATC at my clinic fill in notes and just sign as a PT cuz they can't sign on their own. Pretty sad if you ask me, makes me wanna switch professions to be honest, do the same things, make more money, and get more recognition. Oh well guess for now I'm just gonna have to work on being an ATC and promoting it. Yep 2morrow's my day off, so I'll get caught up with life. For now just gonna relax and catch up on sleep, more later if I'm still up.


Posted bySteve at 9:44 PM


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