Too much free time in one day?

Tuesdays are my lazy day, all I got is track and class, no work, no athletic training hours, nothing else. It's weird cuz I haven't had an empty day like this in a while, and I really don't know what I can do with it. Sure I got all those little choices I'd been meaning to do, aka cleaning, laundry, send home a package, etc, but I'm actually feeling kinda lazy since I got all this free time. It's 12:15 now, and I got 3 more hours, then I got a run then 2 more hours till class. This is great, I wonder if the internet will work in my room by the time I get back, they say the techniciens are there everyday, maybe I should waste this time to track them down. Alright time to be less lazy!


Posted bySteve at 12:16 PM


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