Samsung Experience in NYC
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Wow I'm actually impressed at the stuff at the Samsung Expo in the Time Warner building next to central park in NYC. I went into the Time Warner building just to see what it was like then bought a book (Terry Goodkind's Naked Empire, awesome series) at Borders then wandered up the stairs to the Samsung experience. It's crazy, it's like all the stuff from CeBIT and Korea/Japan is here, like the 5mp phone, the 3.1 megapixel phone with 3x optical zoom, hell there's even a cell phone with a 1.5gb HD that plays mp3 really well and stores documents. I'm not done the whole thing yet but it's awesome. Right now I'm on one of there Wireless Intel Centrino laptop, ain't bad but I like AMD :P. Alright I'm off to see the rest of it then go down to Central Park and read/study for a while.
Posted bySteve at 3:14 PM