PPP requires Full Disclosure!

Yep TechCrunch isn't hating on Payperpost as usual. If you read TechCrunch, which many of you bloggers into Tech and/or Blogging worlds do, then you'll have seen this post HERE seeing that PPP is requiring full disclosure for posts. Yep that's right we can't advertise bluntly for a company without telling you. I've never advertised for a company that I honestly wouldn't use given the right opportunity, remember I am a college student so I'm not rich but I enjoy supporting or writing about companies or giving products on products that I like.

I've had a Disclosure Policy for a while and I don't take opps that require the fact that PPP isn't mentioned either. Payperpost, the company that lets you get paid to blog and get some blog ads for your company, has brought you this and is bringing you more good love for the blogging community. If you're interested click on that box on the side to learn more :)



Posted bySteve at 11:46 PM


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